Stop using Crack/Cocaine and Reclaim Your Life
How To deal with Occult attack including Demons & Jinns: Part 1 & 2 including Allah not Solomon
The 5 stages of recovery from Cocaine and Crack addiction
Chinese herbs: 'Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan' for Detoxing, & Cold turkey from any drug
How to deal with Drug induced Psychosis
Locked down, locked up illusions of being drug free, especially Cocaine and Crack users
Stop using Crack and heal your lungs
How to deal with cravings, what ever they are for #Reclaimyourlife #breakeverychain #setyourselffree
How to help someone stop using Crack /Cocaine and other drugs of addiction
I have now made my book for Crack-cocaine users available as an ebook
making it affordable
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click on the image to go straight to Amazon link
Introducing 2 New ebooks :to help Stop using #Cocaine or #Crack. #Make2023Great #NoExcuses - YouTube
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